This is an auspicious year for two Catholic organisations with long histories. In January, Catholic Womens League President Siobhan Garibaldi and member Margaret von Speyr, met with Pact s Theresa Alessandro and Marie Norbury, to discuss working together.Reflecting the energy of.
Watford Borough Council has earmarked the cash to improve facilities at Cheslyn House and Gardens. The improvements to the award-winning gardens in Nascot Wood Road include work to the wooden aviary which has deteriorated badly over the years and is starting to become an issue for the maintenance team. The pond, which is home to several very large Koi Carp, is also due for a significant overhaul. The upgrades will take place over the coming months. Nascot Liberal Democrat ward councillor Mark Hofman said: Cheslyn is one of Nascot’s jewels and residents from around the ward have told me how much they enjoy their visits to the grounds.