Water we have in missouri and we need to protect the quality of water have in our state. All across our state drinking and Wastewater Treatment systems, many built decades ago are starting to fall apart. If youve ever had a pipe burst in your basement, or a cracked maintain your subdivision, you know how costly and annoying that can be. Thats what my budget this year includes 70 million, funds already approved by the voters and the legislature, to rebuild these aging Water Systems now and ensure that we leave missouris water better than we found them. [applause] our rivers and streams are part of the priceless Outdoor Heritage that missourians can enjoy. Our 87 state parks and Historic Sites have been recognized as the finest in the nation for camping, hiking bicycling and paddling, with millions of visitors every year. This is the year, this year, is our opportunity to update and renovate our state park cabins and lodges with special attention to preserving the Historic Structures bui
Trafficking, that is not enough. This legislation is so nefarious to prevent women that have been lucky enough to get a job at a small business, lucky enough to afford insurance to use their own money, they have been lucky enough to prevent them, by some extraneous nexus supposedly health care funded payments through the Affordable Care act to seek this care. This is a backdoor approach. It is trying to undermine the law of the land wrote the weight roe v. Wade. Many women know on a personal level the history of shame and stigma that come forward when they are trying to seek the best remedy for their life at that time. For whatever reason that they need to have an abortion. I know personally, not an speaker of women that are 13 years old and have become victims of statutory rape. The best solution for their lives at their time and their health is an abortion. Their life is truly in danger. This is the kind of bill that would prevent them from having that opportunity. Madam speaker, i h
MADISON HEIGHTS A springtime tradition is returning to Madison Heights. For six years prior to the pandemic, the city would send interested seniors on a bus ride to the state capital in Lansing for Older Michiganians Day.