Renowned actress Lakshmi Priya bids farewell to the Malayalam serial Chandrakantham, leaving fans eager for her return. Actress Maansi Joshi steps in as the new Nanda.
The battle between brothers Kesineni Nani and Kesineni Chinni intensified. With Chandrababu and Lokesh favouring Kesineni Chinni, two-time MP and senior leader Kesineni Nani announced his resignation from the TDP. He stated that he would also resign as the MP. Meanwhile, daughter Kesineni Swetha has announced her resignation to the party as well as for the corporator post.
The incident had taken place at Kunagalli village in Kollegal taluk in the district. According to police, the couple got married five years ago but the villagers came to know about their different castes only recently.The
The incident had taken place at Kunagalli village in Kollegal taluk in the district. According to police, the couple got married five years ago but the villagers came to know about their different castes only recently.The