A 34-year-old woman committed suicide by hanging herself with a ceiling at her house in Govindpur locality under the limits of Shivkuti police station on Wednesday morning. The exact reason behind the suicide is yet to be ascertained, but the family members of the deceased accused the husband and in-laws of harassing their daughter for dowry.
Prayagraj: A day after six persons, including five teenagers drowned in Ganga on Friday, two more persons aged about 55 and 60 years were feared drown.
, March 3 (IANS) A 16-year-old girl died after she was allegedly thrown off the terrace of a three-storied rented residential house in Aligarh s Mallha ka Nagla locality, by her mother s paramour.Police said that Mohammad Arif, 28, who had .
, Feb 23 (IANS) In a shocking incident, a seven-year-old boy was allegedly burnt by his stepmother with a hot iron press at Raza Magar in the Kawarsi area of Aligarh.According to the victim s father Mohammad Jahid, his son Karib was burnt by .