for robbery with a deadly weapon the cellmates are held in nearby shower cells while knight and demerey inspect their cell sometimes we ve been known to see these guys actually cut out a hole in the wall, cover it with toilet paper, toothpaste and a little dirt, make it look just like the side of the wall and any seam can be a hole been known to pull out cell phone shanks and marijuana at one time in one hole they are close in the close management or cm unit, a high-security wing for inmates with disciplinary violations roca moreno has been here for the past three years, due to a total of 15 disciplinary write-ups. what are you catching write ups for, the same thing over and over no, no, the last one was for a cell phone you had a cell phone? yeah, fighting a little bull [ bleep ] and then what you get on cm for?
alfredo roca moreno, serving three life terms for murder, and bobby sandier, serving ten years for robbery with a deadly weapon. the cellmates are held in nearby shower cells while knight and demerey inspect their cell. sometimes we ve been known to see these guys actually cut out a hole in the wall, cover it with toilet paper, toothpaste and a little dirt, make it look just like the side of the wall. and any seam can be a hole. been known to pull out cell phone shanks and marijuana at one time in one hole. they are currently in the close management or cm unit, a high-security wing for inmates with disciplinary violations. roca moreno has been here for the past three years, due to a total of 15 disciplinary write-ups. what are you catching write ups for, the same thing over and over? no, no, the last one was for a cell phone. you had a cell phone? yeah, fighting a little bull
the cellmates are held in nearby shower cells whe while they ins their cell. they cover it with toilet paper and toothpaste and dirt. anything could be a hole. you can find marijuana and shanks all in one hold. they are currently in the the clo wing for inmates with disciplinary issues. fighting, [ bleep ].
knight is here. demerey is here. you hear the toilets flushing. flushing contraband, marijuana, drugs, razor blades. anything they know that we re coming to find. they don t like to see us coming because we re thorough. our next target. we re going to ease over to delta dorm. we have a potential blood along with him, his roommate is roca moreno, alfredo iii. we ll get some documentation on him. document him, update him, photographs. today s targeted inmates are alfredo roca moreno, serving three life terms for murder, and bobby sandier, serving ten years for robbery with a deadly weapon. the cellmates are held in nearby shower cells while knight and demerey inspect their cell. sometimes we ve been known to
inmates may call out our names. knight is here. demerey is here. you hear the toilets flushing. flushing contraband, marijuana, drugs, razor blades. anything they know that we re coming to find. they don t like to see us coming because we re thorough. our next target. we re going to ease over to delta dorm. we have a potential blood along with him, his roommate is roca moreno, alfredo iii. we ll get some documentation on him. document him, update him, photographs. today s targeted inmates are alfredo roca moreno, serving three life terms for murder, and bobby sandier, serving ten years for robbery with a deadly weapon. the cellmates are held in nearby shower cells while knight and demerey inspect their cell.