Belle Plaine Festival schedule:FRIDAY, April 75 p.m. Food Court, 5th and Merchant.7 p.m. Opening Ceremonies, Downtown Stage.Award Presentations: Parade Grand Marshall; Button Design Co
The Vail Daily is running Q&A’s with the nine candidates running for four seats on the Eagle Town Council. The questionnaires will run in the order that the candidates appear on the ballot. The town…
we ll have special coverage of that event. and next thursday, we re taking this show downtown, broadcasting live from the march on wall street at city hall. that next week. that will do it for today. hardball up right now. nasty business, let s play hardball. good evening, i m chris matthews in washington. leading off tonight, going negative. senator arlen specter has attacked democratic congressman joe sestic s military record. a new commercial opens by saying that he was relieved of duty by a 31-year naval career. with just four weeks to go before the primary, why is he doing this? it s our top story tonight. also, president obama takes on wall street, the president traveled just a few subway stops from wall street to urge the wall street s masters of the