hundred children in jail. then so be it and so a matter. of this prisoner advocacy organization in istanbul sees cases like theirs all the time they receive reports of women in prison with children on an almost daily basis. jones who shikhar ji is a lawyer she says the state isn t doing anything to look after these children s needs. prison staff aren t qualified to react to the needs of small children. and the government was unable to tell us exactly how many children are in which prisons york. will be taking his little boy back to the prison later today.
hundred children in jail. then so be it and so whether. this prisoner advocacy organization in istanbul sees cases like there is all the time they receive reports of women in prison with children on an almost daily basis . jones who shikhar ji is a lawyer she says the state isn t doing anything to look after these children s needs. a prison staff aren t qualified to react to the needs of small children. and the government was unable to tell us exactly how many children are in which prisons your troops. will be taking his little boy back to the prison later today.