i m loath to sympathize with any one standing next to gloria allred. i feel bad for this women. she says she just wants an apology. and he was really young when this happened. he cannot be an adequate witness to this. i don t think the story is true or even if there is a modicum that he to t is really the is going around and talking about it. why wouldn t parents go to the police. it wasn t 54. it was like 84. good golf reference. i didn t even know i was going to do that. what parent wouldn t go to the cops? i mean is this of course. they must know the assailants. it is a weird story and driving me crazy that no one cares. go to carrie. do you think tiger has learned his lesson and changed his ways? why? i mean, yes. yes. i think that you know, i think it is kind of niece that he and elin made an agreement
greg: welcome back. let s find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far. for that we go to tv s andy levy. in new york metro, the squad of baseballers leads the majority in first outing victories by 31-17 which is amazing when they last the first eight first outings in consecutive sequence. it is now 32-17 as the metros beat them 37 points to one in the first outing in the tournament. fantastic. let s go metros. everybody. let s go metros! i m on your side, andy. appreciate it, carrie. greg: she really does think the metros exist, though. i know. tiger woods. i guess given his liking for sub missive women it is no sur praise that he is making his comeback at the masters. you mentioned his kindergarten teacher retained the services
she s carrie top. greg: i said the red headed guy. she s turning into the red headed guy. the red headed fellow. bill, you do an excellent tiger impersoniation. i can t tell if he is kidding. no, i m serious. you just kind of sound dorky. it was better the first time. you are truly a fred travelina. rest in peace. what! greg-alogue. greg, you said morris seems less worried with offending victims of islamists than terror extremists. he does claim that a guy said to him look, i have no objection to you trying to make a comedy out of this and if it s funnile laugh at it. i saw that quote. that was a cover your ass quote. i know. sc, i feel like you placed matt damon in the same class as kim jong il and terrorists.