Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington is jumping into the race for governor, the first Democrat to officially declare their candidacy.Warmington was an attorney before winning her first term on the Executive Council in 2020. She represents District 2,.
Are you considering becoming a locavore? Locavores are people who try to choose locally grown or locally produced food that is in season. This concept is based primarily on distance. Many people like to purchase food locally by starting within their.
On Saturday afternoon, Sharon residents gathered to clean up the gardens and grounds of the Meeting House.Selinda Chiquoine, a volunteer for the gardening committee, organized the activities, which included trimming, weeding and raking. She was.
Volunteers are the secret sauce of the nonprofit world. Volunteers do so many things that are essential to the functioning of our nonprofits.Let’s look at the volunteer board of trustees. They give of their time, their skills, their wisdom. The board.
Articles on Sharon’s town warrant proposing to raise and appropriate money for capital reserve funds proved somewhat contentious among voters at Town Meeting on Tuesday night, the largest of which was originally requesting to raise $150,000 to go into.