listen, sean. i don t have anything to apologize for. t not to you or anyone. this is about the dismantling of this country. i m only 35 years old. i have never been interested in politics. you have awakened sleeping giants. this is not what the constitution wrote. this is not a welfare state. it should t not be a welfare state. do we want to be a freedom society or do we want to be a nanny state, cradle to grave? freedom is a big part of the program. i put america s freedom up against your tyranny forcing women to wear burqas. the answer is freedom. when you look at the words where we are endowed by our creator, t not by government. it s our turn to stand up and
if this job were to go belly up i understand there is a second option for you as a career. what would that be? oh, i don t know. rapping? [ rapping ] i was feeling the moment. i went to a charity event. they said, what can you do? i said i remember a rap from high school. they said, you re on third. i got up there and fortunately remembered it. [ cheers ] brett joined fox news a couple years after the launch. hertedn tta bret baier started fox news. atlanta apartment with phone and fax in his machine.n 14 fox news correspondents have been here from the beginning. who was the first on air tal talent to be hired for fox fox news? that answer after the i break.sw ander come up, shant hannity