Dodecanol Market Forecast to Reach $700 Million by 2025 The Growing Personal and Household Care Industry Also Drive the Demand for Dodecanol Market, 4/08/2021 - Dodecanol Market is forecast to reach $700 million by 2025, after growing at a CAGR of 5.2% during 2020-2025. Dodecanol is a saturated fatty alcohol with a sweet odor. It is an intermediate substance for the production of Dodecyl ethoxylates and Dodecyl sulfate salts. Surging use of dodecanol in automotive industries as fuel additives and lubricating oil formulation boosts the growth of Dodecanol market share. Furthermore, the growing personal and household care industry also drive the demand for Dodecanol, which in turn propels the market growth. Moreover, increasing demand from healthcare industries for disinfectants and cleaning products further augments the growth of Dodecanol market size.