In a shot in the arm of the BJP in the Municipal Corporation Chandigarh, newly elected Congress councillor Harpreet Kaur Babla and her husband Devinder Singh Babla on Sunday joined the saffron party.Now BJP s count of councillors rose to 13 in .
Devshali, 47, joined the party when he was 19. He has been the leader of Uttarakhand population.
Mahesh Inder Sidhu, when contacted, said, “It will be the party’s decision. Whoever party decides will be the mayor this year.”
Sidhu, 37, is a law graduate.
Sidhu and Dhillon both are Jat Sikhs and as Punjab will go to polls in early 2022, they are putting this fact before the high command in order to have an edge over others.
Sources said that these councillors are putting forth the fact that this time mayor’s face should be a new one and not someone who has already been the mayor.