i rise today to nominate the gentleman from california, kevin mccarthy, as speaker of the house. i rise to nominee kevin mccarthy for speaker of the house. i rise to nominate kevin mccarthy. i rise to nominate the gentleman from california. madam speaker, i rise to nominate kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. i rise to nominate kevin mccarthy. i rise to nominate kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. i rise to nominate kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. i rise to nominate kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. i rise to nominate kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. madam clerk, to nominate kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. gaetz. donald john trump. trump. after ten ballots and now into an 11th, there is still no speaker. they even nominated donald trump today. but as usual, he lost. and that is where we begin tonight, on jet another day and night without a speaker of the house. it wasn t lucky enough seven for kevin mccarthy o
weekend, because what they re about to run into is the idea that a lot of people have things to do this weekend that they will otherwise be absent from congress for. everything from funerals to births of new babies to debutante balls are the excuses we have heard as we have been canvassing our sources up here. and you know this well. in a numbers game like this one, you can t have absences for any reason because it changes the entire calculus. so that s what they re working on here as they go up against the cluck. i imagine i m going to be here for several more hours. we re all going to be here for several more hours because the balloting is going to continue until we see some shaking loose of the numbers and then the motion to adjourn being able to be passed. you ll know this, it s not a given they re able to adjourn because democrats aren t going to help republicans out here. and all republicans would have to be onboard to do this themselves. that s what we re waiting to see as this
nonsense about that to get the shake look the $5 million from adelson, probably keep shaking loose, watch newt the next couple of weeks, every once in a while take a shot at ron paul and his isolationism, keep adelson s money pouring in the door. this is a perfect storm here and still in this campaign because he found some material in this documentary, he found some money and got in coughed it out of adelson and get more from adelson and then also found anger. and anger is newt s engine right now. it is the engyp that is going to keep him in this race for months. he is the worst thing that s ever happened to mitt romney because he is willing to fight him to the death and he has got the tools now to do it. he has got an angry guy out there afraid of the middle east situation. adelson will spend money for the guy, a really good documentary cam put together against bain capital and most importantly, his anger and keep fighting this guy until he breaks down mitt romney or dies doing it