The Lehman Trilogy, directed by Arin Arbus at the Shakespeare Theatre Company, is an extraordinary feat of storytelling. It is simultaneously epic and spare. With just three actors it unfolds the captivating and intimate story of one immigrant family that evolves its company, navigates pious lives, innovates new ways of doing business, and ultimately unravels over time into instability and a crushing financial crisis.
“Evita” and her followers. Shereen Pimentel in “Evita” at Shakespeare Theatre Company. (Photo: DJ Corey Photography) A classic is back at the Shakespeare Th .
The Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Our Town is a triumphant production of vitality, and consequence. Thornton Wilder’s classic a work that captures the universal experience of being alive takes on new resonance and depth in the capable hands of an extraordinary ensemble.
This play is immediate one to see and share and talk about.