After the super success of Marathi film Mulshi Pattern producer Punit Balan is all set to come up with a new Bollywood film ‘The Hindu Boy’, starring Bollywood and television’s heartthrob Sharad Malhotra. Recently Vivek Agnihotri’s Bollywood movie ‘The Kashmir Files’ which spoke about the challenges faced by Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir has created a huge sensation. We have seen what they have gone through in the past but what is the situation now? What are the challenges they are […]
Shahnawaz is confident that this film will make an impact and is grateful to Punit Balan for giving him the opportunity to develop this unique short film concept.
Punit Balan is known to dabble in multiple verticals of Films, philanthropy, social activities, cultural festivities in Pune city, sports and infrastructure verticals. Over the past one year, he has been associated with the Army to aid setup Army Goodwill Schools in the Kashmir Valley. In October this year, a first of its kind school was inaugurated in Baramullah at the hands of Lt Gen DP Pandey, GOC Chinar Corps . The entire infrastructure of the school was built by […]
Punit Balan is known to dabble in multiple verticals of films, philanthropy, social activities, cultural festivities in Pune city, sports & infrastructure.