Now Tellychakkar got in touch with Smriti Kalra where we had an exclusive conversation with the talented and beautiful actress during which the actress revealed some amazing insights when asked about the movie, experience working with Satish Kaushik and much more. |
Now David Dhawan and Javed got into a conversation with the media where we got to see both of them spilling some beans and talking about Satish Kaushik, his roles and how Javed Akhtar first met Satish Kaushik. |
Now Anupam Kher got into a conversation with the media where we got to see Anupam Kher spilling some beans and talking about Satish kaushik and he was jealous of a role that Satish Kaushik got. |
Now Anupam Kher got into a conversation with the media where we got to see Anupam Kher spilling some beans and talking about Satish Kaushik and their past which was emotional at times. |
Now Anupam Kher got into a conversation with the media where we got to see Anupam Kher spilling some beans and talking about Satish kaushik and he was jealous of a role that Satish Kaushik got. |