The Ranchi Municipal Corporation’s (RMC) pipeline laying works under its sewage management system is underway across nine wards at an estimated cost of Rs 218 crore. The initiative aims to streamline wastewater management and enhance the city’s sanitation infrastructure. Challenges are anticipated, especially for around 40,000 houses in the affected wards. RMC has set a deadline of 9 months for households to link their sewer pipelines to the inspection chambers.
Residents in the town of Alabama came out by the dozens Thursday to oppose a 9-mile commercial sewage pipeline that would cut through both residents’ properties and a protected wildlife refuge.
th they were out there swimming in the gulf of mexico, despite the fact thatcambia officials are saying to stay out of the water. they are flying by the seat of their pants on this, because there are no epa guidelines saying that the water is safe or not broken. when you have a broken sewage pipeline, they will say to stay out of the water while we test it, and they are trying to come up with guidelines, but nothing yet. unbelievable, john. when the officials see the people in the water, the are they telling them to get out? any enforcement of that or not really? reporter: not really. you can see the lifeguard stand, and they are sitting up there, and we saw people in and out of the water pretty much since we have been here in the last couple of hours, and you can see how absolutely deserted this beach is. it is a horrible, horrible shame what is transpiring here. heartbreaking. thank you, john. house speaker nancy pelosi