Two South Korean engineers working for Daewoo Engineering & Construction have been released, nearly three weeks after they were abducted by unidentified gunmen in Nigeria, the foreign ministry in Seoul said yesterday.
Economy of Niger
The economic system is based upon planning but accords an important role to private enterprise. The three main policy objectives are the maintenance of national unity, the elevation of the living standards of the population, and the attainment of economic independence. The private sector of the economy consists partly of a multitude of small enterprises and partly of enterprises belonging to large French or international companies.
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
Agriculture and agricultural products constitute the largest sector of Niger’s economy in terms of the number of persons employed and the percentage of gross national product (GNP). Millet and sorghum, the main food crops, are grown in the south, as are cassava and sugarcane. Rice is grown in the Niger River valley.