least another four years. at which point again there will be a decision whether or not he will be released on parole. we ll keep you posted as we hear more. jon: well there are new concerns the sun might be setting on the solar boom as more than half of the large-scale solar projects on the table in 2009 have since been sold off, postponed or canceled. william la jeunesse live in l.a. with that story. william? reporter: jon, when the solar industry was small the subsidies provided to those giant plants in the desert and as well as smaller installations like this one at occidental college, those were insignificant. when panel prices have fallen and you have people, hundreds every week installing systems in their own backyards, suddenly rooftop solar is a real competitor and the subsidies it receives, a controversy. we produced a power exactly
woman who had bought the clothes, called to see why the woman s sister was returning it all. the woman who had been on the fateful asiana flight said she didn t have a sister and that s when police began investigating it. both the baggage video and the girlfriend facing charges of grand theft and burglary. back to you. jon: what a story. rick, thank you. jenna: what a victory there. an amazing survival story to tell you about. a monster mudslide swallowing your car. how the three people trapped inside that car made it out alive. plus with congress just days away from summer vacation, the president is trying to jump start his stalled agenda. we ll look at the ground he s covering on both sides of the aisle ahead. hi. i m henry winkler. and i m here to tell homeowners that are 62 and older about a great way to live a better retirement. it s called a reverse mortgage.
leaking government secrets to the website, morsi. live in washington on this story. when we expect the sentencing to be announced? jenna, to possibly take a few weeks. they will learn a lot more about this 25-year-old private person s life, the impact of his leaks. the judge cannot let you decide to talk about the specific ways the weeks did or did not harm national security and deployed american groups. that is fair game as is evidence of his motive. we have not seen one shred yet. it will be sometime before this judge with a thoughtful, prudent lawyer will be able to take into consideration the appropriate sense. a wide range of options.
dr. allen, dr. brawley thank you very much. we ll watch the story and meantime great information for your viewers. thank you. thank you for having me. jon: there are big changes on the horizon with the president s health care law. what the government is getting ready to do with your personal information that is raising serious new concerns about privacy. we ll take a look. plus, a daring tightrope walker going for a new world record between two hot airball loons. we ll tell you how it turned out out. .and a great deal. grrrr! ahhh! let s leave the deals to hotels.com. perfect! yep, and no angry bears. up to 40% off. only at hotels.com
with you. there is problem in the irs, i do agree with you. jon: when she is taking the fifth and will not answer questions in front of congress, don t know where it is. jenna: why wouldn t inspector general at the beginning, the independent entities that so many people rely on to get to the bottom of this story, seems could have had a bigger view, got a little more view, in the beginning had laid out some of the facts we discussed today may be the tilt is massively toward conservatives, the public civil discourse would have been helpful from the beginning. jon: s seems to enhance it is trust in government that is such a problem these days.