WASHINGTON, DC, United States (AP) The House has voted to restore abortion rights nationwide in Democrats' first legislative response to the Supreme Court's landmark decision overturning Roe v W.
On Friday, February 25, President Joe Biden made Judge Jackson his choice to succeed Justice Stephen Breyer, who announced his retirement in January. “It’s because of Judge Brown Jackson’s experience in roles at all levels of the justice system, her character, and her legal brilliance that President Biden nominated her to the D.C. Circuit Court, after which she earned her third Senate confirmation,” White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates wrote in an earlier statement.
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Presented by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Earthjustice
With Daniel Lippman and Theodoric Meyer
PLAYERS IN TRADE SHOW INDUSTRY FORM ADVOCACY GROUP: As the country begins to grapple with what a new post-pandemic normal might look like, and when that return to normalcy can begin, trade groups representing all aspects of the business events industry have banded together to form a new advocacy coalition to push for policies to facilitate the safe return of trade shows and conferences.