Associated Student Government announced Wednesday a four-week trial run of a newly proposed Senate order that could eventually end weekly meetings. ASG Senate leadership will hold a town-hall style meeting the week of Feb. 8, inviting students to voice concerns and comment on legislation, according to Senate Parliamentarian and SESP junior Dalia Segal-Miller. During Wednesday’s.
Associated Student Government proposed an initiative Wednesday to make it easier for students who are not a part of ASG to draft new legislation. Medill senator Lily Ogburn and Weinberg senator Santiago Elizondo, the legislation’s sponsors, will oversee both the creation of a Google Form and the partnership of students and senators in writing new legislation..
Northwestern’s Associated Student Government Senate hosted its first meeting of the 2022-23 academic year Wednesday night, welcoming senators with a roadmap of goals and plans for what’s to come this year. Speaker of the Senate Dylan Jost started the meeting by asking senators and executive members to introduce themselves to build camaraderie — a goal.
In its first in-person meeting of the quarter, Associated Student Government elected two senators to help select members of Northwestern’s Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility. McCormick sophomore and Senator Marcos Rios and Communication junior and Quest+ Senator Jo Scaletty will be responsible for selecting two undergraduate students for the committee. ACIR advises the Board of.
Associated Student Government leadership released a statement to the Northwestern student community on Wednesday acknowledging a doxxing incident that occurred during its May 26 meeting. Doxxing refers to when one’s private information is intentionally shared in a digital setting. During the discussion on the resolution supporting human rights in Palestine, an ASG senator shared .