Amid the row over symbol between the two rival factions of Shiv Sena, Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Ramdas Athawale on Sunday came out in support of the Shinde camp saying the Election Commission (EC) should give the Bow and Arrow symbol to the rebel group while taking the final call over the matter.
The EC decision to freeze Shiv Sena Bow and Arrow symbol has invited harsh reactions from lawyers, and also forcing Thackeray and Shinde factions to go into damage control mode.
A day after the Election Commission froze the Bow and Arrow symbol of Shiv Sena barring both the rival factions in the party from using it in the upcoming Andheri East Assembly bypolls, the party president and former Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray lambasted the rival Shinde camp saying the 40-headed Ravana froze the bow of Lord Sri Ram.