Dental 3D Printing Market by Product & Service (Services, Materials, and Equipment), by Technology (Vat Photopolymerization, Polyjet Technology, Fused Deposition), by Application, by End-Use, by Region – Global Share and Forecast to 2030
The advantage of 3D printing—that is, additive manufacturing (AM) of structural materials—has been severely compromised by their disappointing fatigue properties1,2. Commonly, poor fatigue properties appear to result from the presence of microvoids induced by current printing process procedures3,4. Accordingly, the question that we pose is whether the elimination of such microvoids can provide a feasible solution for marked enhancement of the fatigue resistance of void-free AM (Net-AM) alloys. Here we successfully rebuild an approximate void-free AM microstructure in Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy by development of a Net-AM processing technique through an understanding of the asynchronism of phase transformation and grain growth. We identify the fatigue resistance of such AM microstructures and show that they lead to a high fatigue limit of around 1 GPa, exceeding the fatigue resistance of all AM and forged titanium alloys as well as that of other metallic materials. We con