In an explosive hearing, four former senior soldiers in the D.C. National Guard, none of whom were formally interviewed by the January 6 House Select Committee, accused US Army Generals Walter Piatt and Charles Flynn, and senior civilian Pentagon officials, of blocking them from protecting Congress as it was being overrun by Trump radicals.
Facebook is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but sometimes you may encounter unwanted or inappropriate photos on your page or unknown names on your friend list. This can be very upsetting and frustrating. Just ask Sheila who encountered this situation, "I am an 81-year-old lady and have nasty nude photos
Hartshead continued to progress an investment process for industry partnering on the Company’s Phase I development of the Anning and Somerville gas fields in June. The process is aimed at selecting an industry partner for the Phase I field development.
AIM-listed Jersey Oil & Gas has announced it s unaudited Interim Results for the six month period ended 30 June 2021. The Greater Buchan Area (GBA) farm-out process has been launched and is ongoing, with active engagement with both industry parties and infrastructure funders.