The Kerala High Court has quashed the criminal proceedings initiated against a man for affixing poster of a lotus, which is a symbol of a political party, on an electric poll with gum. It was alleged.
The Gujarat High Court upheld the dismissal of a defamation case by Kutubiddin Ansari, whose photo became a defining image of the 2002 Gujarat riots, against the makers ‘Rajdhani Express’ for using his photo in the movie
The Kerala High Court recently explained the scope and extent of Section 153 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 which refers to the offence done malignantly or wantonly to give provocation to the extent.
To invoke Section 153A of the IPC, the statements must be "judged on the basis of what reasonable and strong-minded persons will think" and not on the basis of the "views of hypersensitive persons who smell danger in every hostile point of view".
The Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate had earlier transferred the case, involving Srijato Bandyapadhyay's poem that allegedly hurt Hindu sentiments, to the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Detective Department)