Rehragout Rendezvous, the latest installment in the Bavarian Eberhofer franchise, is causing waves at the German and Austrian box offices. Directed by Ed Herzog, this crime-comedy is now poised to overtake Oppenheimer for second place, trailing closely behind the reigning champ Barbie. The film's release on August 10
On Saturday evenings in bright June, many have something else to do than sit in front of the TV. The TV ratings have been accordingly on June 17. The most successful program in primetime from 8:15. | June 18, 2023
05/11/2021 - Ed Herzog is directing a new feature set in Bavaria, based on the crime novels of Rita Falk and starring Sebastian Bezzel as a village policeman
05/11/2021 - Ed Herzog is directing a new feature set in Bavaria, based on the crime novels of Rita Falk and starring Sebastian Bezzel as a village policeman