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peacekeepers and some autonomous parts of the country to allow for safe areas for major ethnic groups. that s a lot to swallow for americans who are tired of war, having our troops in the middle east. but i do think you re right, you got to think down the road that fa far. you can t just think the next step. isn t it also the case, mike, while there are multiple opposition groups who find unity in their current opposition to president assad, it s highly likely that if and when he s gone, that unity will simply erupt. it will fall apart almost immediately, won t it? that s a classic reality of civil wars. in fact, a scholar that i just recently wrote with, sean ziegler, has done his latest book on exactly that question, and you re right. the hope is that the international community could try to develop relationships with the more moderate insurgents and also provides financial and other incentives for those groups to be
0 cycle. martin, we ll pass it over to you. thank you very much, indeed, whoever you are. i love you. good afternoon. it s thursday june the 6th. washington, there s a call on line one, but i guess you already knew that, didn t you? i will provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools they need. stunning report. i m a verizon customer. not one more thing. i don t mind verizon turning over records. big brother is spying on all of us. this will trigger a leak investigation. you have ben rosen. exploiting a part of the highly controversial patriot act. everyone should just calm down. this isn t anything that is brand new. president bush started it. president obama s continuing it. this man ran as the anti-bush. fisa court works. separation of powers works. our constitution works. what the obama administration has done is massively more expansive than what bush did. illegal evesdropping program. between the failure of general ho