Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday virtually launched the Mahtari Vandan Yojana from Kashi, Uttar Pradesh, and disbursed the first installment of Rs. 1,000 to 70,12,417 married women in Chhattisgarh.
The state government has disbursed an amount of Rs. 655.57 crore into the accounts of women in
staff reporterraipur, a state-level mahapanchayat programme is scheduled to be held at science college ground in raipur on monday, said deputy chief minister vijay sharma during a media briefing at the new ci
staff reporterraipur, prime minister narendra modi is set to virtually disburse the inaugural installment of the mahatari vandan yojana, benefitting over 70 lakh married women, during an event scheduled for s
In his address, Singh lauded Prime Minister Modi's diplomatic finesse, revealing how PM Modi's intervention led to a 4.5-hour ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. This ceasefire facilitated the safe evacuation of approximately 25 thousand Indian students from the tumultuous region, underscoring India's commitment to its citizens' welfare on the global stage.
staff reporterraipur, union minister dharmendra pradhan inaugurated the pm shri yojana in raipur, marking a significant milestone in the education sector on monday. the launch event took place at