the theater of the white house and the bully pulpit to try to talk about what s absurd about washington this a way that resonates with their supporters. ash sa ash ssha, one thing that peo have been looking forward to and that is whether or not robert mueller is going to testify publicly so people can get real answers because the mueller report left a lot of questions. so now what we hear from jerry nadler is that he s interested in testifying only in private because what he really doesn t want is to become this to become a political spectacle and he doesn t want to be a pawn in a political spectacle, which, of course, is understood, but so many people are still hungry to hear information from him in a way that won t be as satisfying as just reading words on a page. your thoughts? yes, i agree with you, i think that it is understandable that robert mueller who has
will, they have someone who s really into sort of grass roots i mean who fundamentally i think there s a kinship between obama and that kind of data driven approach and getting those metrics, in that way it s a natural fit almost. and there s sort of a connection there. one is in 2008, the campaign saw itself as going up against the democratic consulting establishment and that sort of felt gave them the sense to free themselves from traditional practices and free themselves of new things part of a way as rebelling of the tourney of a wiseman. this is a fresh book that sasha did. i mean that in the street sense and quite literal sense. a fresh book that comes out tomorrow. thank you to sasha issenberg, his book about the new science of winning elections, the victory lab is out tomorrow. also read sash sa s new york times article about why campaign reporters are kicking themselves in the shins. check out our facebook page, with alex.