Vijay Television popular serial Pandian stores to end soon. It is speculated that the popular serial of Vijay television will be ending soon as one among the lead actor Jeeva(Venkat Renganathan)has been committed to a new serial of Sun television. The actor has been said to replace the lead actor Sanjeev in the new serial “Kizhakku Vaasal” pairing opoosite Reshma Muralidharan.
Actor Saravanan Vickram best known for his role as Kannan in Pandian Stores serial of Vijay Television quits the serial post the exit of Sai Gayatri. The actor bagged a film opportunity and hence is leaving the television space to make his mark on big screen. Navin aka Karthik from Tamizhum Saraswathiyum serial is likely to replace him in the serial.