texas, thousands of jobs at risk, because of this lizard? we are on the road to 2012, hannity staffers right here, right now. a move that seems to signify the team obama is preparing to do battle in 2012. the administration created a new post devoted to combating smears against the an one. the white house has is own minister of internet propaganda. i wonder how they overlooked rob gibbs for this job. the huffington post reads: sean: lee has an interesting background in progressive media. he s married to a high level moveon.org staffer who played a key role in creating this ad, dubbing general david petraeus as general betray us? remember that ad? accusing the general of cooking the books for the white house in regard to the surge in iraq. she had no shame in her role in circulating that ad. she spoke to c-span in a telephone interview. moveon took out the ad because it is unconscionable our troops are dying in iraq. today s testimony of general petraeus, before congress w
texas, thousands of jobs at risk, because of this lizard? we are on the road to 2012, hannity staffers right here, right now. move that seems to signify the team obama is preparing to do battle in 2012. the administration created a new post devoted to combating smears against the an one. the white house has is own minister of internet propaganda. i wonder how they overlooked rob gibbs for this job. the huffington post reads: sean: lee has an interesting background in progressive media. he s married to a high level moveon.org staffer who played a key role in creating this ad, dubbing general david petraeus as general betray us? remember that ad? accusing the general of cooking the books for the white house in regard to the surge in iraq. she had no shame in her role in circulating that ad. she spoke to c-span in a telephone interview. moveon took out the ad because it is unconscionable our troops are dying in iraq. today s testimony of general petraeus, before congress was
over of health care, a big lie just like goebbels you say it enough, repeat the lie and repeat the lie and people believe it, like blood libel, that s the same thing. the germans said enough about the jews and the people believed it and you had the holocaust. sean: he s now defending his remarks. he said i didn t see anything wrong with it. he goebbels was the greatest propagandist of the century if you tell a lie over and over again people will believe it. he expresses the same sentiment in a statement put out by his office. i it reads: sean: if republicans made such a comparison you know the mainstream media would be all over it. since it is a democrat who said it, what happened? he s given a free pass. joining me host of varney & company. stuart varney and democratic strategist, joe trippi: first, sheila jackson lee, repeal in bill this is killing americans if we repeal this bill. nazi attack. one week to the day when they said it, barack obama the week before was sayi
over of health care, a big lie just like goebbels you say it enough, repeat the lie and repeat the lie and people believe it, like blood libel, that s the same thing. the germans said enough about the jews and the people believed it and you had the holocaust. sean: he s now defending his remarks. he said i didn t see anything wrong with it. he goebbels was the greatest propagandist of the century if you tell a lie over and over again people will believe it. he expresses the same sentiment in a statement put out by his office. i it reads: sean: if republicans made such a comparison you know the mainstream media would be all over it. since it is a democrat who said it, what happened? he s given a free pass. joining me host of varney & company. stuart varney and democratic strategist, joe trippi: first, sheila jackson lee, repeal in bill this is killing americans if we repeal this bill. nazi attack. one week to the day when they said it, barack obama the week before was sayi
the jersey shore and brett favre on leno. back at 11:00, 10 central. as the death toll rises, did it happen? welcome, i m cavuto, think quick. the earthquake in chile and 9/11 terrorist attack. what do they have in common? warnings heeded all two we will indicates that chile, hundreds killed by waves authorities insisted were not a threat so the folks stayed put. just as hundreds more in the second trade building were told they were safe so they stayed put. both here and there the threat down played and then a lot of people were dead. pat brosnan sees the similarity. it s sad but the reality is there was a direct parallel between the miscommunications that occur and time and time again in times of coos. even in a police shooting where there s 50 communications conveyed, all with good intention, it just gets skewed. it changes. you have uncorroborated third party hearsay from another source. by the time it gets to the conveying element, the person who says it to someone wh