Leann Jean Heckathorn 1957-2023 LISBON Leann Jean Heckathorn, 66, of Lisbon passed away Dec. 22, 2023 at 9:15 a.m. following a brief illness. She is uni
reports that 300 customers are u in the dark. bge has 425 total outages. now let s go to julie wrighr and get the latest on traffic. a little bit of a mess out there. reporter: just a little. we have a jacked knife tractor trailer as you approach ther asp connecticut avenue. av traffic is squeezing by that, t, let s pop up the cameras, we had problems early on this morning as you continue on the chain chi bridge.b the activity should be cleared. 280 in better shape and on the outer loop of the beltway, the standing water at vandorn street tying up the two right lanes. la v dot on the scene pumping out u the water and now a vehicle hase struck the back part of the parf truck in the same area. area now part of the street remains closed. that s a fec check of fox 5 on e traffic. attorney general eric holder on the hot seat this time on on claims that the u.s. is collecting information from allo calls made the in u.s. they monitor the records of 120 million verizon cust