Avera Mengistu, held captive by Hamas since 2014. His mother, Agurnesh leads a demonstration outside the residence of PM Benjamin'Bibi' Netanyahu. (Photo Credit: Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post)
But nothing is expected from Palestinians. Wed Mar 3, 2021 The report on ill-tempered Bernie is here: “Sanders slams Israel for not sending COVID vaccines to Palestinians,” by Sarah Chemla, Jerusalem Post, February 25, 2021: US Sen. Bernie Sanders has criticized the Israeli government for sending COVID-19 vaccines to foreign allies before sending them to Palestinians. Sanders was responding to a
New York Times tweet stating that “Israel’s vaccine donations to faraway countries have angered Palestinians who say Israel is responsible for the well-being of Palestinians in the occupied territories, where vaccines are scarce. But why are vaccines “scarce” for the Palestinians? Isn’t it because they did no planning, even many months into the pandemic, and chose to spend their aid money on other things? In Gaza, Hamas spends huge sums on building terror tunnels, and on arms that it hides throughout civilian areas. The terror group has
As we know, we are quickly approaching the Second Coming of Jesus Christ! According to Revelation, The Two Witnesses will be revealed soon after the Abomination of Desolation, which is closer to occurring than ever before. Three and a half days after The Two Witnesses are killed, Revelation 11 says there will be a great earthquake that will kill thousands of people.
Like we have been saying for years, many news stories seem insignificant until you look at them through the eyes of Bible prophecy. For instance, Sarah Chemla from The Jerusalem Post just shared a story on a soon-coming “destructive and deadly earthquake” referencing Prof. Shmuel Marco and more.