Choosing a hot sandwich instead of a cold one may be better for your waistline, according to a study by a Rutgers University‒Camden scholar.
The research suggests that people consuming the same food or beverage cold find their meal to be less satisfying, so they purchase additional items, such as potato chips and cookies, to compensate for their appetites.
“It’s not exactly clear where these expectations come from,” says Maureen Morrin, the Henry Rutgers Professor of Marketing at Rutgers‒Camden. “But it is likely that people’s expectations about how full certain foods will make them feel develop over time, after repeated consumption episodes.”
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January 6, 2021 by joeym
If you’re grabbing lunch for yourself at a café make sure you choose something satisfying. Western Washington University researchers found that people who visited a café and purchased a cold (as opposed to hot) sandwich were nearly twice as likely to order one or more additional items with their sandwich. Researcher Sara Baskentli explains, “We may expect hot foods to have more salient pleasurable sensory attributes compared to cold foods and this affects foods’ perceived satiety. Understanding how serving temperature could make us eat more or less will contribute to the goal of a healthier consumer population.” (Daily Mail)