Wintry weather can significantly impact various aspects of life, from grocery stores to businesses and schools. In order to address this issue, school districts often implement non-traditional instruction, or NTI
and robert gibbs. you wrote a piece for vanity fair that offers a bit of optimism for democrats, in part because of that poll you talked about, showing that republicans. you also suggest that biden will not be the nominee in 2024, saying it s both a headache and an opportunity for the party. explain to us what you mean. well, joe biden himself, when he was running, talked about being a transitional figure. and i think part of the challenge that the democratic party has is that the rising demographic anti-days in younger voters. that s where the energy is. its current president is the oldest sitting president in history. and i think that, given this 40 years, it is tough at anytime, currently, for anyone to be president of the united states. but especially with covid and all the challenges, like afghanistan, that joe biden has faced, given his age. i think it is an opportunity for him to pass the baton. and by the way, if i am joe biden who says he is going to run again mark? wher