Actor Sunny Hinduja, who was seen playing the role of Sandeep Singh Ohlan in the web show 'Aspirants', recalled being part of the web series on its second anniversary. He added that very soon, makers might come up with its second season. |
Sunny Hinduja, who was seen playing the role of Sandeep Singh Ohlan in the web show 'Aspirants', recalled being part of the web series on its second anniversary.
TVF Aspirants deals with the past and present of three friends, Abhilash, Guri and SK, who are UPSC aspirants. The past is all about their struggle as students to clear the examination and the present focusses on their life as adults. It features Naveen Kasturia, Shivankit Parihar, Abhilash Thapliyal, Namita Dubey and Sunny Hinduja.Sunn
Actor Sunny Hinduja, who was seen playing the role of Sandeep Singh Ohlan in the web show 'Aspirants', recalled being part of the web series on its second anniversary. He added that very soon, makers might come up with its second season.TVF .