Campaign reports for the fourth quarter and pre-election financial filings reveal which municipal candidates raised the most support from individual contributors and businesses in Norman.
David Rennie passed away 2021-11-30 in Purcell, Oklahoma. This is the full obituary story where you can express condolences and share memories. Services by Wadleys.
Nov 21
A specter is haunting the Internet the specter of the “alt-right.” The forces of white supremacy and toxic masculinity, fueled by a sense of entitlement dwarfed only by their inflated estimation of their own intelligence, have entered into an unholy alliance to remove feminism, political correctness, and multiculturalism from America. And on November 8th, 2016, after enduring years of mockery, months of being told that the arc of the moral universe would never let it win, the Alt-Right scored its first significant political victory: the election of Donald Trump to the highest office of the most powerful country in the world.