Telugu director Anand Ranga spoke about his web series 'Vyavastha' starring Karthik Ratnam, Sampath Raj, Hebah Patel, Kamna Jetmalani, Sukurtha Wagle, Shivani, Sujith Kumar Reddy, Raja Ashok and Gururaj in prominent roles.
Akhil Akkineni is coming back to his action avatar with Agent in Surender Reddy's direction. He is coming to big screens almost after a two-year break.
Within a few hours of its release, Akhil Akkinenis film Agent made its way to online piracy websites. The movie was copied into high-quality print and shared with several illegal websites that encourage piracy.
The 8-episode courtroom drama is a story of two lawyers, one is a power-hungry lawyer, Chakraborty and the other is an underdog, Vamsi. Vamsi is not interested in practicing law because of his stammering problem but when his ex-love interest is accused of murder, he decides to take up the case. In the courtroom they argue to determine whether Yamini (played by Hebbah Patel) murdered her husband.Talk