29 more seconds and then you just gift them to me. Appreciate it. Whatever you need. Thank you. Thank you at home for joining us. Much appreciated. A lot of news today and sort of two big political stories that have been happening simultaneously and one story that is totally off of politics but has riveted the nations largest city and the country. New york city was the target of a terror attack for the third time in months. A Pressure Cooker bomb detonated in manhattan. That was september last year. Then halloween this year, it was the guy driving a truck down the west side bike path in Lower Manhattan deliberately hitting cyclists and pedestrians. Today a 27yearold would be suicide bomber who appears to have affixed some kind of home made explosive device to his torso. He was apparently trying to blow up the pedestrian passage way. He ended up injuring himself. Three other people were injured, although, new york police are describing those thankfully as minor injuries. And new yorkers