With storms, come an abundance of downed limbs and debris. The City of Marshfield is busy completing their second round of limb pick-ups for the year, which started June 10 and is expected to be completed by Thursday, June 14.
A small crowd gathered in a field just outside of the Mercy Clinic off Spur Drive and Highway OO on Thursday, Jan. 4, for the official groundbreaking ceremony of Jordan s Place. The brisk afternoon did not affect the positivity of the ceremony, which was kicked off with an opening speech by Danielle Boggs, Webster County Public Administrator and Board Secretary for both WC CapeAbilities and WC Partners.
As citizens drive around Marshfield, they may notice it s a bit brighter than last year. That is because more Snowflake lights were set up the previous month. In total, 74 snowflake lights were hung up.
All the leaves are turning brown, red, orange, and yellow as autumn has arrived in Webster County, and the need to clean up those same leaves also arrives as now they are all over the yard. While that seems straightforward, the issue emerges when figuring out what to do with all the grass and leaves. But, for Marshfield residents, there is a solution.