the church in friedman s village was called the bell the church because the church owned a large brass bell. well, the church in arlington originally was called the old bell church. and changed names a couple of times since but the actually have some of the original equipment from the original church arlington national cemetery. and the descendants of course of the friedmans village and that s one of the great things i like about talking about them because when i talk about it i learned more and more about washington, d.c.. i have people come to me and say philip reed was my great, great, great grandfather. i found some descendants in washington. who knows what some of you will tell me after i complete here but these are just some of the stories i ve been able to find and in no way is this a comprehensive complete version of the african-american contributions to the city. .. [applause] afternoon. welcome to the center of the book i am the director of the library center for