The family of Anuj Thapan, the accused involved in the shooting incident outside Salman Khan's residence, are claiming that his death in police custody, labelled as "suicide," was actually a "killing." They are calling for an autopsy to be performed outside Mumbai, claiming that Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has 'influence' in the state.
Accused arms supplier Anuj Thapan died by suicide while in the custody of the Mumbai Crime Branch. The man, who was brought to Mumbai over the weekend for interrogation, was rushed to the hospital and is said to be 'critical'. He and the two gunmen were slapped with the MCOCA besides the Indian Penal Code and Arms Act.
Taking to X on Monday, Barry Gardiner treated fans with a series of pictures from his meeting with Salman at Wembley Stadium. In the photos, Salman opted for a black t-shirt and wore a funky jacket that he paired with trousers. He rounded off his look with sunglasses.
Accused arms supplier Anuj Thapan died by suicide while in the custody of the Mumbai Crime Branch. The man, who was brought to Mumbai over the weekend for interrogation, was rushed to the hospital and is said to be 'critical'. He and the two gunmen were slapped with the MCOCA besides the Indian Penal Code and Arms Act.
Salman Khan Firing Case: After the shocking firing incident outside Salman Khan s Bandra residence, two arrested shooters were brought to Mumbai on transit remand. - Salman Khan Firing Case: Crime Branch Brings Two Arrested Shooters From Punjab; Probe Underway