have found sal la abdeslam s fingerprint in an apartment in brussel as long with explosive materials. it s believed to be a bomb factory. abdeslam is one of the most wanted fugitives in europe right now. we should note, paris is very much on edge once again after a man tried to attack a police station yesterday. reporter: that s right, kate. we are getting, as you say, a clearer picture of just how the paris attacks were planned as well as more information about the alleged involvement of the so-called eighth attacker, salah abdeslam. a source with knowledge of the investigation had told cnn that authorities raided a so-called bomb-making factory in an apartment in brussels. in that apartment they found explosives, specifically attp, as well as a range of other materials, including a sewing machine. authorities working on the theory that the suicide belts
their french counterparts in singing the french national anthem as a display of solidarity. the you have suspect sal la abdeslam is still at large. today men reportedly shared in his getaway car, one of them a suspected driver, a lawyer acknowledges a car ride curse. the lawyer for the other suspect says his client went along for the ride. there is now an active manhunt for an as yet unnamed additional accomplice in the paris attacks. 120 raids took place overnight across france as french authorities mobilized 115,000 security personnel since the friday s attack. also today, a big development, russia said it was indeed a bomb that took down its airliner two weeks ago in egypt. russia intensified air strikes of isis targets in syria. the russians said they were coordinating their campaign with france as it launched air