Two notorious terrorist leaders, known as Abdulkarim Faca-faca and Bem Bem, were among the 35 terrorists reportedly neutralised by the military in Katsina and Borno states.
• Joint security operation kills eight bandits in Katsina
Terrorists have killed about 10 persons in Zangon Kataf and Chikun local councils of Kaduna State, the Commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs, Samuel Aruwan, stated yesterday.
While stating that search and rescue missions had begun in the troubled areas, Aruwan added that the injured had been taken to hospital for treatment.
In Zangon Kataf, Kurmin Gandu village was attacked by armed men and five persons identified as Ishaya Aboi, Regina Ishaya, Goodluck Dauda, Joseph Adamu and Hassan Joseph were reportedly killed. x
The commissioner added that 10 houses, two motorcycles and 50 bags of ginger were set ablaze in the local council by the bandits.