In the Samastipur Lok Sabha constituency of Bihar, the election battle between two young leaders, Shambhavi Choudhary and Sunny Hazari, has highlighted the broader issue of inadequate representation of women in the state's electoral arena.
How do political parties fare when it comes to walking the talk on women's reservation? Have they handed out tickets to women in accordance with their share in the population and the percentage of reservation provided to them?
In the battle for Lucknow constituency, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh faces competition from 9 candidates, with Ravidas Mehrotra emerging as a potential challenger. Rajnath Singh, seeking a third term, enjoys strong support from various communities and has a track record of infrastructure development in the city.
NEW DELHI: Shayara Bano heaved a sigh of relief on Wednesday at the enactment of a law banning polygamy in her small Indian state, the culmination of a years-long effort including her own case.