With hEr staffErs in hEr lockEd room with minE. ShE hElpEd pass throUgh all thE la and bEing EmployEd now. BidEn bigfoots. Kamala harris. Now barack has to gEt involvEd. My namE is JoE BidEn. WElcomE to thE swimming pool. ThErEs too mUch mascUlinEE Th Toxicity oUt thErE that yoUvE got to bE toUgath and, yoU know, angry and lash oUt. DoUg Emhoff off, accUsEd of physical abUsE. WE havE a fUll rEport from oUr tEam. Ask many timEs for morE sEcUrity, morE hElp. And ThEy wErE dEniEd. TrUmp hEading back to BUtlEr U as thE SEcrEt SErvicE is inin a statE of EmErgEncy. PlUs, today, washington saw a ghost. HEy, folks. Right. My namEs JoE BidEn. So wElcomE. WElcomE, mr. PrEsidEnt. Waiting for yoU. WElcomE to thE swimming pool. It was thE first TimEE BidEn EvEr sEt foot in thE BriEfing Room as prEsidEnt. ThE prEss was stUnnEd. PEtEr dUcE, his wig fEll off. And EvEry channEl in amErica to cUt straight to it. WE wErE actUally aboUt to go. LivE to VicE PrEsidEnt Kamala Harris, whos spEaking right now
Her staff is interlocked with mine. She helped pass all the laws. Reporter: biden bigfoots kamala harris. Now barack obama has to get involved. My name is joe biden. Welcome to the swimming pool. There s too much masculine toxicity of there that you ve got to be tough and angry and lash out. Reporter: doug emhoff accused of physical abuse. We have a full report. Our team asks many times for more security, more help and they were denied. Trump heading back to butler, as the secret service is in a state of emergency. Plus. everyone s trying to get it right today washington saw a ghost. Hey, folks. My name is joe biden. Welcome mr. President. We ve been waiting for you. Welcome to the swimming pool. The first time joe biden never set foot in the briefing room as president. The press was stunned. Peter doocy s leg fell off. And every channel in america cut straight to it. We were actually but to go live to vice president kamala harris who s speaking right now in detroit, michigan, and
Out of washington state. There s always some kind of pressure to get us, to motivate us to vote in their favour. There s always something like that, you know, there s always an underlying threat. And if we re not doing the right thing, then we re hurting the company. We re not hurting them. They ve got, they make way more money than we do. Why don t they give up some of their money to get boeing out of the problem they re in? we are expecting results in the next few hours. in the next hour. We re expecting the results of that vote in the next few hours. The bbc s ritika gupta has more on what s at stake. They haven t had a new contract in 16 years and have been bargaining for months for higher pay, better benefits and job security. The latest dispute is centred around workers discontent over a tentative agreement reached over the weekend. The international associations of machinists and aerospace workers and boeing unveiled a package that includes a 25% pay rise over the next four y
Countries were fighting with russia. Our russia editor, steve rosenberg, reports. What we heard from vladimir putin today was a clear warning to the west do not do this, do not allow ukraine to use your missiles to strike russian territory. What we didn t hear from vladimir putin was what russia s going to do if this actually happens. He talked about taking appropriate decisions but without any detail. Now, what might those decisions be? well, in the past, president putin has proposed providing advanced long range weapons to western adversaries, to strike western targets abroad. He s also suggested in the past deploying conventional missiles within striking distance of america and its european allies. Now, russian officials many times have accused the west of fighting russia, waging war against russia, on the territory of ukraine. Putin made it clear today that if this goes ahead, if western missiles are used to target russian territory, this will take things to a whole new level. So