A song in. Death thank you very much. Lawmakers in argentina and you to vote today to decide whether or not to legalize abortion its a controversial decision with fiercely polarized campaigns for the for and against the proposed bill the Catholic Church has been campaigning to get the upper house of congress to reject the measure but there has also been strong support for the poor choice lobby especially amongst the Younger Generation in june congress is sponsored Draft Education by the narrowest of margins but this time its widely expected to port sort off the votes necessary to pass it into real. Now for more on this very divisive issue im joined by our ethics and religion correspondent has been closely following this story on Abortion In Argentina Welcome Martin as we mentioned this proposed bill will spot in the law house but
its expected to fail in the house what is your assessment when this afraid no there are thirty eight against thirty one senators that have a clear their vote
a three month basis quarterly numbers so of course wall street favors short term thinking and that of course means that as a c.e.o. you might have to make decisions every once in a while that help your numbers in march and june or so but that are detrimental maybe to your long term strategy into your vision. you want to keep the vision alive thank you. german ryanair pilots just voted to join their swedish belgian and irish colleagues in striking friday ahead of the announcement ryanair already cancelled one hundred forty six flights to destinations all over europe affecting more than twenty five thousand passengers its numbers are set to rise as the german pilots join the twenty four hour strike to demand a higher base salary by the pilot salaries and not too low pilots rules of flying the airline over base transfers the maximum number of flying hours promotions and annual leave. let s pull in our financial correspondent correct bouzid in frankfurt any sign at all of ryanair budging o