Dont waste your money on unproven remedies. If you care about how you look and you want to geyour hair back, lets hear from some of the worldclass doctors in our neork. By far, the most common cause of hair loss is genetic. By age 50, 50 of the adult popution have experienced enough hair loss to be noticeable. Hair loss is different for men and women. Malepattern hair loss is the most common form of hair loss, representing more than 90 of all male cases in north america. It occurs due to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone, commonly known as dht. Dht causes a shortening of the life span of the hair follicles in these men. Dht chokes the hair follicle and it eventually shuts down. The follicles resistance to dht or lack of resistance is genetic, and thats why some men go bald and some dont. Actually started losing my hair at a pretty young age actually in college. And hair loss is in my family, so i definitely knew what the future had for me. During that process, i tried many things. I