In the nominations announced, it is mentioned that Alia Bhatt will be under Best Supporting Actress category. Alia Bhatt fans are irked with the title Best Supporting actress as she was roped in as the female lead. How can they nominate an established star for Best Supporting actress, they ask. It now remains to be seen how Rajamouli is going to react to fans reaction.
Rajamouli has started his oscar campaign for RRR in the USA. Rajamouli is likely to stay in the US for the next couple of months and he is trying his best to push the film for Oscars. Here's the nomination list of RRR for Oscars 2022:
Director Rajamouli's RRR is one of the must-watch film for the Telugu audience. It is on every Indian movie buff's watch list. Most of the audience skipped watching the film in theatres due to exorbitant ticket prices. If you missed watching RRR in theatres, don't worry RRR is now available on Zee5 for free. RRR is also available in Netflix, but only in the Hindi version. A
RRR actors Jr NTR and Ram Charan on becoming SS Rajamouli s heroes - Jr NTR and Ram Charan say that one needs to come to Rajamouli with a clean slate, as it helps to discover themselves as an actor.