Rome Health administration officials met with former Rome Mayor Jackie Izzo last year at Rome Health to receive a check for $3 million in ARPA funds for the new ICU that is going to be constructed at Rome Health. Back in July of this year, the Rome Common Council approved the request to allocate $3 […]
ROME, N.Y. With $3 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding in hand, Rome Health will close the James Street entrance, effective Jan. 2, as the hospital prepares for the construction of a new intensive care unit and Kaplan Center for Surgical Services.
Rome Mayor Jackie Izzo spoke on Friday to set the record straight on an order to vacate a city-owned property that's scheduled for demolition and remediation. The business owner, Michael Burth Jr., has refused to vacate, according to Mayor Izzo.
Rome Mayor Jackie Izzo spoke on Friday to set the record straight on an order to vacate a city-owned property that's scheduled for demolition and remediation. The business owner, Michael Burth Jr., has refused to vacate, according to Mayor Izzo.